Monthly Archives: May, 2012

What is a Braham Cattle?

The Brahman is a breed of hump-shouldered cattle with drooping necks and large, floppy ears. In the United States, Brahmans are sometimes called Brahmas.  In other countries, they are known by the common name of zebu (pronounced ZEE boo). Brahman’s hump is mostly a large, fatty growth that rises above the shoulders.  Brahmans were brought to the …

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What Kind of Cat is a Manx?

Manx cats are the only cats born without tails.  They run with a hopping, rabbit like gait, because of their long hind legs.  Have you ever seen a cat running with no tail and a sort of hopping like a rabbit?   Such a cat is the Manx.  The Manx cat is very strange one as it is the only …

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Shanghai (in Pin-yin Romanization, Shang-hai), whose name literally means “on the sea,” is one of the world’s largest seaports and a major industrial and commercial centre of the People’s Republic of China. It is located on the coast of the East China Sea between the mouth of the Yangtze River to the north and the bays …

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