Tag Archives: Temperature

Where does mercury come from?

Mercury is usually found in rust-colored rocks called cinnabar.  The ore is crushed, then heated to release the mercury. Mercury is perhaps the strangest of all metals.  It is the only metal that liquid at ordinary temperatures. In nature, mercury is most often found in rust-colored rocks called cinnabar, although pure mercury can be mined. …

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What is the biggest desert?

The Sahara desert of North Africa is the Largest desert in the world.  It is nearly as big as the whole united states. Almost as large as the whole United States, the Sahara stretches across the northern part of Africa from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. The Sahara desert is a vast, sunbaked …

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What is a timberline?

Some mountains have trees growing clear to their tops, but on many high mountains there is a line above which trees stop growing. The place where trees stop growing is called the “timberline”.  Trees don’t grow above it because they cannot survive the freezing temperatures there. Above the timberline the mountainside is likely to be …

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What are stars made of?

Stars are formed from gigantic masses of hot glowing gases.  Hydrogen and helium are the most common gases in a star.  In the clearest night sky you might see a few thousand stars with unaided eye.  Every bright star is a sun, like our own sun. Scientists tell us that a star is a huge …

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What does the inside of the earth look like?

Beneath the earth’s rocky crust are the hard mantel, hot liquid outer core, and the solid metal inner core. Have you ever tried to dig a deep hole—maybe all the way to the other side of the world?  Of course, you could dig only a few feet.  But suppose you could dig a hole straight …

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