Tag Archives: Oxygen

Where do sponges come from?

The bath sponge we use in our home is the soft skeleton of an animal that once lived in the sea. Probably many sponges you see at home were made in a factory.  They are made of synthetic material to look and clean like true sponges. If you have ever used a true sponge to …

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How is nylon made?

Nylon is a product of a chemical process in which carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen are united to form a strong, tough material. Nylon is a strong, long-lasting synthetic material.  Its uses range from such things as shear hosiery and fishing lines to toothbrush bristles and molded parts for machinery. Nylon is made from common …

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Why does silver tarnished?

Silver is a shiny, white metal.  But unless polished on occasion, objects made of silver may soon lose their brightness and become coated with a dull film. When silver turns dark, we say it is tarnished.  Silver tarnishes for almost the same reason that iron gets rusty.  In fact, the word “tarnish” is used for …

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What is the earth’s atmosphere?

The atmosphere is the great  ocean of air enveloping the earth.  it extends up for hundreds of miles. You and I live at the bottom of a great ocean of air that surrounds the earth and that extends upward for hundreds of miles.  We call it the atmosphere. We could not live without it and …

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Why does iron rust?

An iron nail left in a damp places will soon be covered by rust.  The rusting of iron is an example of oxidation.  That is, when iron rusts, it actually “burns up”.  But the rusting process is very slow and does not produce heat fast enough to cause a flame. In this process, the iron …

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