Tag Archives: Vapor

Where come camphor come from?

Natural camphor is a fragrant gum that comes from the camphor tree.  Camphor (pronounced KAM-fur) is a fragrant gum that comes from the camphor laurel tree. Camphor is used in medicine, explosives, and plastics, as well as in many other useful products.  (Perhaps your mother uses balls of camphor in closets and drawers to keep …

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Where does mercury come from?

Mercury is usually found in rust-colored rocks called cinnabar.  The ore is crushed, then heated to release the mercury. Mercury is perhaps the strangest of all metals.  It is the only metal that liquid at ordinary temperatures. In nature, mercury is most often found in rust-colored rocks called cinnabar, although pure mercury can be mined. …

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Why do onions make my eyes water?

Onions contain a mildly stimulating oil.  This oil readily forms a vapor (gas) which escapes when the onion is cut.  It not only gives the onion its sharp odor, but also irritates the eye.  The eye reacts by producing a flow of tears to wash away the pungent stuff the onion gives off. When you …

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Why do onions make our eyes water?

Our eyes are really watering all the time.  Tears come from special tear glands in the corners of our eyes.  When we blink, our eyelids squeeze little drops of tears from the glands to bathe our eyes, to keep them from drying out and to help wash away specks of dirt. Onions give off a …

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Where does kerosene come from?

Kerosene is a kind of oil that is used as a fuel for jet engines and for burning in lamps and in stoves—especially camping equipment—for lighting or cooking. Most kerosene comes from petroleum, the oil that comes from oil wells. Petroleum is a mixture of many materials.  Separating petroleum into its many parts is called …

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What causes rain?

You know rain falls from clouds.  Have you ever wondered how raindrops happen to be in clouds? Moisture is constantly evaporated from the earth’s surface by the warmth of the sun.  the invisible water vapor is carried upward by currents of warm, rising air.  As the moisture-loaded air rises it cools. As the air cools, …

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