Tag Archives: Light

What is a light-year?

Space is so vast that astronomers don’t use miles to measure how far stars are away from us.  The numbers of miles would be so large that you would have a difficult time using them. Instead, astronomers use what they call “light-years” to measure great distances.  A light-year is the number of miles that light …

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How does a microscope work?

The word “microscope” comes from the Greek words for “small” and “see”.  A microscope is a device that tests you see very tiny things you can’t see with your eyes alone. The simplest kind is an ordinary magnifying glass.  A magnifying glass bends the light and spreads if to make things look bigger than they …

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What are stars made of?

Stars are formed from gigantic masses of hot glowing gases.  Hydrogen and helium are the most common gases in a star.  In the clearest night sky you might see a few thousand stars with unaided eye.  Every bright star is a sun, like our own sun. Scientists tell us that a star is a huge …

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What makes the ring around the moon?

The ring around the moon or sun is caused when the rays of light are bent and reflected by clouds of ice crystals high in the sky.  A big, shining ring of light sometimes appears around the moon.  The ring is not really around the moon—it only seems to be: The “ring around the moon” …

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