Tag Archives: Gravity

Where does dust come from?

Housekeepers spend a good deal of time dusting.   If you have ever helped clean, or dust, furniture, you may have wondered where all the dust comes from.  It seems to be a daily chore, because dust is always with us. Dust settles from the air and makes a gray coating over everything around us.  Dust …

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What is the earth’s atmosphere?

The atmosphere is the great  ocean of air enveloping the earth.  it extends up for hundreds of miles. You and I live at the bottom of a great ocean of air that surrounds the earth and that extends upward for hundreds of miles.  We call it the atmosphere. We could not live without it and …

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What is a shooting star?

Shooting stars are tiny meteors that glow white hot when they hurtle from out of space into the earth’s atmosphere. If you look up at the sky long enough on a dark, clear night, you may see the fiery streak of a “shooting star” flash across the sky. While “shooting star” may be a pretty …

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What is Artesian well?

An artesian well needs no pump.  It spurts out of the ground like fountain.  There is more water in the world than in our oceans, lakes and streams.  A good deal of water can be found beneath the ground. Springs are formed when water from rain and melted snow seeps deep into the ground.  The underground water can fill …

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What is an aqueduct?

A big city needs a lot of water.  Some cities are near big lakes or rivers.  They find it easy to get enough water. But very often the lakes or reservoirs upon which a city depends for water are many miles from the city.  Then aqueduct must be built. The word “aqueduct” comes from two Latin …

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