Monthly Archives: August, 2009

Why do we have time zones?

Time zones establish a regular sequence of time changes around the world.  All the places in each zone have the same time.  It is called standard time.  Travelers often pass through time zones.  When it is noon in Chicago, for example, nit is 6 o’clock in the evening in London. We can understand why time …

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How does yeast make bread rise?

YEASTS ARE THE TINY PLANTS THAT, WHN MIXED IN MOIST BREAD DOUGH, RELEASE A GAS THAT PUFFS UP THE DOUGH AND MAKE THE BREAD SOFT AND LIGHT. Bread is the oldest of all manmade foods. The earliest bread was not like the bread you are probably used to.  It was hard, flat, and dry. The …

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Where does tea come from?

Tea is a drink made from the cured leaves of the tea plant which grows in such countries as India, china and Ceylon. Tea is a drink made from cured leaves of the tea plant.  Most of the world’s tea is grown on plantations, or “tea gardens,” in such faraway places as India, Ceylon and …

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What is the origin of the umbrella?

The origin of the modern-day umbrella was a sunshade used by nobility in ancient Persia and Egypt. It seems natural to put up an umbrella to keep off the rain.  But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade against the sun.  in fact, the name …

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When was the first ferris wheel built?

The first ferris wheel was built for the world fair held in Chicago, IL, in 1893.  Perhaps you have been darling enough to whirl into the sky on a giant Ferris wheel.  A Ferris wheel is a large, upright, revolving wheel with seats hanging from the rim.  Almost every fair, carnival and amusement park has …

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Music Heals

It’s been said that music is able to calm the savage beast.  But did you know that music can work wonders for your health, too?  According to Dr. Carl Charnetski and colleagues of Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, United States, listening to relaxing tunes can raise immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels, especially during times present in the …

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It does not Drink Water

How many times have we heard the saying “Water is life.”  We have also heard that life cannot exist without water.  Well there is an animal that does not drink water.  It is called the Jerboa. Jerboa is the name for the small, jumping rodents of the family Dipodidae, found in and parts of Asia.  …

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