Tag Archives: Blood

What do my tonsils do?

Your tonsils help prevent diseases by trapping and destroying harmful germs that enter your body through your mouth and nose. Tonsils are small masses of a special kind of tissue called “lymphoid tissue.” Your tonsils are located at the sides of the throat at the back of your mouth. Tonsils have a special job.  They …

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Kidney patients getting younger

Lessen your child’s soft-drink intake. More Filipinos are becoming sick with end-stage renal disease.  And more and more of them are undergoing dialysis because their kidneys have stopped doing their job:  to clean the blood of toxins. Remedies Uriarte, M.D., of the Philippines Renal Disease Registry, says that since the registry started noting down the …

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Wine is good for your heart

Moderate alcohol intake—in any form, not just wine—is associated with a 25 to 30 percent reduced risk of heart disease in women, according to Rimm.  “Alcohol raises HDL, or good, cholesterol levels”, says Dr. Apstein.  “Like aspirin, it also thins the blood a little, so it protects against clot formation, which is one cause of …

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Why do we yawn?

Yawns are natural and healthy for you.  When we yawn, we are helping our breathing.  A yawn is a very deep breath in which big gulps of fresh air are pumped into our lungs, supplying our blood with more oxygen. Usually, we yawn when we are tired or drowsy and our bodies are relaxed.  It …

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